Board of Directors

EACH Housing is a company limited by guarantee. The Board of Directors are responsible for the good governance of the organisation in the interests of members, those who access services and our funding bodies.

Luke Guthrie (Chair, EACH Housing Limited)

Luke has over 25 years of global experience working most recently as a CEO, Chief Strategy Officer, CFO, Advisor and Non-Executive Director. His experience spans property development, real estate, investment, funds management, construction, volume home building, manufacturing and distribution in Australia and internationally. Luke is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance & Investment, Diploma of Financial Services, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance), is a Chartered Accountant and a licensed Real Estate Agent.


Andrew Gosbell PhD, GAICD, BAppSc

Dr Andrew Gosbell is an Advisor to the associations and charities sector, providing consultancy services to for-purpose organisations. He has over 30 years of experience in health and related sectors, with skills in patient care, research, policy and advocacy, and education and training, in a range of roles including project management, senior management, consulting and governance. Andrew is enthusiastic to be part of EACH Housing as the organisation is making a positive impact in his community and communities across Australia.


Grant Divall 

Grant is a registered Architect with a small multi-disciplinary design practice established in 2003. Grant has a depth of knowledge and experience in the community housing sector, firstly as Chief Architect and General Manager Community Development at Gumala Aboriginal Corporation and then National Housing Development Manager for YWCA Australia. Grants experience extends to scoping and co-ordinating project design, delivery for small, medium, and larger scale development projects which includes commercial, retail, hospitality, social, affordable and disability housing. Grant has also served the Banjima, Yinhawangka and Nyiyaparli people of the Pilbara Region in Western Australia, delivering projects that included Indigenous housing, early learning facilities, community centres, cultural tourism facilities, commercial office space, landscaping and native bush regeneration.



Natalie Sullivan
CEO – EACH Housing

Natalie has over 25 years of executive experience across public, private and not for profit health, disability, aged care and human services.

Natalie has a Bachelor of Prosthetics and Orthotics, a Masters in Health Administration, a Fellowship at the Australasian College of Health Service Management, Graduate of Company Directors and is recognised as an Adjunct Associate Professor at La Trobe University for her work in health service research and allied health clinical schools.

Natalie is the CEO of EACH Housing Limited and also the CEO of EACH our parent organisation, which provides a wide range of primary health care, mental health, counselling, disability, aged care and family services across Victoria, NSW, ACT and Qld.

Natalie is the Company Secretary for EACH and EACH Housing Ltd.


Alida Natoli 
Manager Operations – EACH Housing

Alida has a diverse career spanning over three decades in the property development and construction industries, with considerable experience in the commercial and Not-For-Profit sectors; especially delivering Community Housing developments for Registered Housing Agencies; including feasibility stages, acquisition, preconstruction, construction phase and through to occupancy / divestment. In addition, Alida holds tertiary qualifications in Planning, Architecture and Construction. More recently, Alida has been managing the operational functions of the EHL Housing program.


Amy Dempsey
Lead Housing Services

Amy is a highly experienced property/tenancy coordinator and has worked at EACH HOUSING for over 4 years. She has previously worked with Community Housing Ltd for over 7 years in various roles, including tenancy management and contract administration. She is nearing completion for her Graduate Certificate Social Science – Housing and Policy.


Jessica Rodriguez
Lead, Housing Coordinator