Past Projects
These six unit apartments have been specially designed to allow people with significant physical limitations to live independently whilst sharing the additional support that they each require.
The apartments have been designed and constructed to provide independence, dignity, choice and community connection for its residents – basic human rights so often lacking in shared accommodation.
Supported by a grant from the Federal Government through the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund with land and other funding provided by EACH, the development provides residents with their own fully self-contained unit with a kitchen, bathroom, double bedroom, living/dining area and laundry. While the focus of the building is on independent, self-contained apartment living, it also has shared areas for socialisation with family, friends and other residents. Importantly, the units are designed to be homes, eliminating the clinical feel so often associated with accessible living.
This innovative two unit disability housing development accommodation houses two adults with a physical disability, providing independent living for people who may be currently living with ageing parents or at inappropriate accommodation such as aged care facilities.
The project has been built on a model of independent yet cooperative living with the provision of supportive technology and carer support. It incorporates environmentally sustainable design and the latest in supportive technology including automated doors to apartments and balconies and tablet technology for important operations such as controlling heating, blinds and lights, allowing residents greater mobility and independence.
The two homes are designed for the residents to live independently of each other, whilst providing a single entrance and 24 hour care support with a separate carer’s quarter. Doors and corridors allow wheelchair access, ramps replace stairs for maximum mobility and kitchen, toilets, bathroom and laundry features allow self-management of everyday tasks and personal needs. Each unit contains two bedrooms to cater for overnight visitors, encouraging residents to remain connected to family members and networks. The homes look like any other on the street and will connect residents to their local community.
The land for this project was donated by EACH and largely funded by a grant from the Australian Federal Government through the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund.
Rapid Housing
EACH Housing also provides Rapid Housing Assistance: 9 units for women and children escaping family violence and Rapid Housing (Homelessness): 7 units for people experiencing long term homelessness across Eastern and Southern Melbourne.
In addition to the provision of safe and secure housing for these cohorts of renters, it is essential that integrated and coordinated support is provided to assist our renters in achieving independence through the development of life skills, education, better health and wellbeing, and ability to take advantage of opportunities. The unique partnership between EACH Housing and EACH allows both of these requirements to be met – EACH Housing provides safe, secure and affordable accommodation and EACH provides a dedicated case worker to provide support across a range of EACH and other external services.